You know you are "Country" when...

Those "disgusting unwashed human hands" belong to country folk, just so you know
That's true!
But the pattern seems to be that the germs on a country person's hands belong to farm animals and substances associated with the outdoors, so I'm fine with that. We're already immune to that stuff by now.
What does gross me out is when people use the public bathrooms, fail to wash their hands afterwards, and then handle the food that we are eventually going to consume. Ewwwwww!!!!!!!
But now that I think of it, city folks might feel the same way about me walking around in my chicken poop-caked flip flops that I accidently put on instead of the clean ones. Oops!

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I hear you! I wash or peel any fruit / veg that I don't grow, (and at least wipe the stuff I do grow before I eat it) though I think more often I'm concerned about dirt from the road or pesticides or poisons they use in the warehouses. I live quite close to some big banana plantations, I don't believe they have public restrooms, at least not for the pickers
. But the fruit goes through the plantations really quickly - so folks in the cities can enjoy their 'fresh' produce. I have a pair of boots for the farm, a pair of crocs for the village and a second pair of crocs for anywhere else. Same with clothes: my farm clothes are so stained with farm juice, leachate and poop in various stages of decomposition that even our washing machine balks. Often when I visit someone's house I have to keep my shoes on as my feet are actually dirtier than my shoes.

You know you're country when you realize the soft thing stuck to the sole of your foot is that lizard you saw the ants eating earlier - and before you flick it off you consider saving it for the chicks in the brooder
Lol @Alexandra33 and @islafarm... I keep my shoes on in public too ha-ha;) I get out ofvthe bath and immediately barefoot it right into poop, or a dead thing... Saving it for the chooks, awesome lol :D

We call those "Flintstone feet" because I can literally step on a nail and not wince, my calluses are so sturdy ha-ha ;)

I know my hands are filthy and so are my feet...its probably why I'm immune to pretty much any cootie that comes my way ;)

But I'm not pesticide or herbicide resistant. It's the weird toxins and chemicals they put on store bought veg that freaks me out the most... Did you know they use some 22 different toxins in a hydroponic cucumber?!?! No thanks, mine get ZERO. :p

I'd much rather just eat MY dirty veg :D
I know, I know!

You know you're country when you don't need a stinking weather app to tell you its a 20% chance of rain and the weatherman is wrong 75% of the time....

But you have NEVER been wrong about an evening rainstorm when you see a rattler on the road in the pasture. ;)

Yep, snakes tell me the weather :D
I hear you! I wash or peel any fruit / veg that I don't grow, (and at least wipe the stuff I do grow before I eat it)  though I think more often I'm concerned about dirt from the road or pesticides or poisons they use in the warehouses. I live quite close to some big banana plantations, I don't believe they have public restrooms, at least not for the pickers :/ . But the fruit goes through the plantations really quickly - so folks in the cities can enjoy their 'fresh' produce. I have a pair of boots for the farm, a pair of crocs for the village and a second pair of crocs for anywhere else. Same with clothes: my farm clothes are so stained with farm juice, leachate and poop in various stages of decomposition that even our washing machine balks. Often when I visit someone's house I have to keep my shoes on as my feet are actually dirtier than my shoes. 

You know you're country when you realize the soft thing stuck to the sole of your foot is that lizard you saw the ants eating earlier - and before you flick it off you consider saving it for the chicks in the brooder :sick

That is hilarious!!! There's no sense wasting a perfectly good dead lizard when you have hungry chicks to feed!
I know, I know!

You know you're country when you don't need a stinking weather app to tell you its a 20% chance of rain and the weatherman is wrong 75% of the time....

But you have NEVER been wrong about an evening rainstorm when you see a rattler on the road in the pasture. ;)

Yep, snakes tell me the weather :D

We love snakes. Alexandra33 and I used to catch garter snakes in buckets and bring them inside for observation. Fun times!
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You know you are a country person when you need new boots and you bypass the 'girly girl' styles and head right for the muck boots that are on sale!

Also when half of your wardrobe is heavy duty camo cargo pants with plenty of pockets to hold everything from nails to eggs that you manage to accumulate through the day.

And finally, when you carry a Buck knife and a Multitool in your purse instead of compact and lipstick.
Lol @Alexandra33 and @islafarm ... I keep my shoes on in public too ha-ha;) I get out ofvthe bath and immediately barefoot it right into poop, or a dead thing... Saving it for the chooks, awesome lol

We call those "Flintstone feet" because I can literally step on a nail and not wince, my calluses are so sturdy ha-ha

I know my hands are filthy and so are my feet...its probably why I'm immune to pretty much any cootie that comes my way

But I'm not pesticide or herbicide resistant. It's the weird toxins and chemicals they put on store bought veg that freaks me out the most... Did you know they use some 22 different toxins in a hydroponic cucumber?!?! No thanks, mine get ZERO.

I'd much rather just eat MY dirty veg
Ditto, shortgrass. Genetically modified blackberries are not for me! Who wants to put those chemicals that are unfit for human consumption in their bodies?
I hear you! I wash or peel any fruit / veg that I don't grow, (and at least wipe the stuff I do grow before I eat it) though I think more often I'm concerned about dirt from the road or pesticides or poisons they use in the warehouses. I live quite close to some big banana plantations, I don't believe they have public restrooms, at least not for the pickers
. But the fruit goes through the plantations really quickly - so folks in the cities can enjoy their 'fresh' produce. I have a pair of boots for the farm, a pair of crocs for the village and a second pair of crocs for anywhere else. Same with clothes: my farm clothes are so stained with farm juice, leachate and poop in various stages of decomposition that even our washing machine balks. Often when I visit someone's house I have to keep my shoes on as my feet are actually dirtier than my shoes.

You know you're country when you realize the soft thing stuck to the sole of your foot is that lizard you saw the ants eating earlier - and before you flick it off you consider saving it for the chicks in the brooder
I can relate! My feet are positively disgusting most of the time; in fact, I even clean the coop in flip flops.
Throw barn dirt in the mix and my feet are perpetually black.
You know you are a country person when you need new boots and you bypass the 'girly girl' styles and head right for the muck boots that are on sale!

Also when half of your wardrobe is heavy duty camo cargo pants with plenty of pockets to hold everything from nails to eggs that you manage to accumulate through the day.

And finally, when you carry a Buck knife and a Multitool in your purse instead of compact and lipstick.
Oh my goodness, someone like me! That's so awesome, microchick.

I assign loving this thread! We don't live in the country (yet), but we sure act it. We eat the raspberries right off the plant ( you guys should've seen the helicopter mom's face when my son did it in front of her), I'm the crazy neighbor... I go out to clean the coop in flip flops and jammies in the mornings, cup of coffee in hand. Dig through poopy bedding without a second thought, and my backyard is half garden half chicken playground. We can't wait to buy some land! Hubby has decided that he wants to raise goats, and i can't wait!
You know you're country when.....

A gigantic colony of hornets has taken residence in your mudroom wall. It's actually pretty fun to put your ear up and listen to the humming!

You use the broken in wall on your 100 or more year-old barn as a trampoline to jump on. I've done this so much lately that the posts broke.....

You traipse all over the cornfields around your house to find chicks that have roamed too far from the coop. Not only were they wandering up the road, but I had to walk through a ton of "corn spiders" to get to them. UGH!!!!!


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