You know you are "Country" when...

Back in the day around here was a guy who used to haul his pigs to the sales barn in the back seat of his car, well the area, he removed the back seat, then he would stop at the corner bar and leave the pigs sitting there, now that's country.
On a similar note, you know you are country when you pull into the local grocery store and somebody pulls in beside you with a bottle calf in the back of their hatchback that they had just won at a nearby county fair. Even funnier was that the calf looked as though it was enjoying the ride.
We aren't exactly country, but we have some urban farms in our area. Pulled into Fred Meyer, and the prius next to me ( yes, prius), had a bale of hay in the front passenger seat and somehow, three in the back seat! I was laughing too hard to grab my phone fast enough to get a pic before the driver started to leave. Gotta love Washington!
We aren't exactly country, but we have some urban farms in our area. Pulled into Fred Meyer, and the prius next to me ( yes, prius), had a bale of hay in the front passenger seat and somehow, three in the back seat! I was laughing too hard to grab my phone fast enough to get a pic before the driver started to leave. Gotta love Washington!

I've always used my car for hauling hay. If I fill the back seat and the trunk, and the trunk won't shut, I balance another bale in the v between the slanted open trunk lid and the rear windshield.
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

That loose straw is a 'b****' to get out of your car's carpet!
Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

That loose straw is a 'b****' to get out of your car's carpet!:barnie

Oh yes! You haven't truly lived until you've had stray hay poke you in the behind.. In your car... I always HOPE its hay and not a chunk of cowpie, anyway :D

Everyone at tractor supply knows your name and half of them have your phone number memorized from your frequent purchases.

Any trip to tractor supply doubles in time because the employees consider you a friend to talk to.

Yeah, never a short trip lol...and most of them you went to high school with, 15 years ago...still call you by your nickname and ask about your folks ;)
I don't think I've ever been as dirty as I was today, having both cleaned the coop and bathed two chickens. That must be part of being country!

It had to have been around 90 degrees today with very high humidity and blazing sun, so I was sweating badly. My White Rock sprayed me head to toe with muddy, soapy water, and I had dirt smeared all over my shirt from where she had been against me. A combination of bedding dust, both dirty and clean, clung to my damp skin in an itchy and uncomfortable coating, and my wet feet felt like pincushions from all the pine shaving splinters sticking to the bottoms. Then somehow runny duck poop was flung up my shins, creating smears everywhere, not to mention that I had accidently hit myself with a poopy snow shovel more than once. Needless to say, I took a shower!

I don't think I've ever been as dirty as I was today, having both cleaned the coop and bathed two chickens. That must be part of being country!

It had to have been around 90 degrees today with very high humidity and blazing sun, so I was sweating badly. My White Rock sprayed me head to toe with muddy, soapy water, and I had dirt smeared all over my shirt from where she had been against me. A combination of bedding dust, both dirty and clean, clung to my damp skin in an itchy and uncomfortable coating, and my wet feet felt like pincushions from all the pine shaving splinters sticking to the bottoms. Then somehow runny duck poop was flung up my shins, creating smears everywhere, not to mention that I had accidently hit myself with a poopy snow shovel more than once. Needless to say, I took a shower!

Hilarious, Alexandra33!!!

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