You know you are "Country" when...

You know you are country when your mom asks you what you want for your birthday and you tell her "twenty tons of pea gravel and some highway cloth to redo the corridor between the north and south pastures."

You know you are country when it's time to move and you load up your furniture into your stock horse trailer, instead of renting a U-Haul.

I'VE DONE THAT!! Don't be grossed out--I scrubbed it down before I loaded.
You know you're country when...

* you wake up to the sound of a BB gun right outside your bedroom window at 5am, only to realize you can't vent on the culprit because it's not a kid, it's your FIL.

* your 'pack' goes outside to do their business, and your DH goes with them.

* your life goal is to have someone refer to you as a from-here. [you're either from-here or a come-here] Haha! I wasn't born here, but have been living on the Shore for 8 years now, it's been years since I've been called a come-here. Woot!

* you try to convince your DH that the only shower in the house is the perfect size for a brooder.

* you enter the local bar your drink beats you to your seat.

When folks ask for directions and instead of giving them the mileage you give them it in (Time) how long it will take.

Example; We are 2 hs away from Raliegh 2 hrs away from Charlotte and about 2 hrs away from the coast . The feed store is about 20 minutes down the road. were 2 hrs away from everythin'.

Go down to the fork in the road but don't turn there. Up ahead about 15 minutes is a large bolder on your left, Don't turn there either. Just down the road a piece you'll see a street light and that means you went to far. Ours was that first dirt road before that light.

Fair Winds,

Even thought you're sick and feel like hammered dog poo, you go out to the coop to check the nest 'cause you just know one of your hens is going to lay her first egg. And it paid off
All these posts about leaving keys in cars-have I got a story to tell. It's about some friends of ours, we'll call them Bob and Sue (to protect the innocent
) We have a seasonal camp site at a lake and these friends camp a few sites down from us. It was early spring and everyone was seeing what havoc winter had caused and tweaking things up abit when Bob decided he needed some stuff from the hardware store. He takes off with Sue's van for the hardware store in town (about 2 miles away with a population of about 300-everybody knows everyone). He picks up what he needs, comes back, gets all the work done, sits back with a few beers and enjoys the lake. About three hours after his return, Sue goes to the van to get something out of her purse. She then discoveres that Bob brought the wrong van back from town. The wife of the hardware store owner has the exact same van. Sue has to drive Bob back to the store(since he had been drinking). When they get to the store, a cop is waiting for them. The store owner knew what had happened and even called Bob's home phone but couldn't track him down. His wife needed the van for a trip to the cities so when the cop happened to drive by, they flagged him down to see if he had any ideas where Bob might be. The vans were switched back and everyone went about as if this was an everyday event. (Not only the keys, but also Sue's purse was in the van all this time.)
Country living is the best!!
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