You know you love your chickens when...

Also, for predators like Eagles and such, a slingshot is a satisfying deterrant.
it's just doing what a bird does. If people are going to start getting angry at creatures that love to eat chicken, don't they have to start with themselves first ? can you blame a bird for wanting chicken like we do ? I don't see the need.
it's just doing what a bird does. If people are going to start getting angry at creatures that love to eat chicken, don't they have to start with themselves first ? can you blame a bird for wanting chicken like we do ? I don't see the need.
No. I can't blame the bird. I understand it's just the circle of life and the way God intended it to be. But I am still going to try to save my chickens. I don't think anyone would just stand there and let it happen.
the first thing you do on the morning after your girls' first night in their new house is go out to check they are ok.....

(seriously, didn't even have my cup of tea)
I know hubby loves our chickens when he's been fishing. He cooks the fillets for us and cooks all the other parts for the poultry!
A lot of these hit close to my heart. I have been guilty of a lot of the ones listed here.
I ask my wife to pick up extra treats for my girls when she goes to the grocery store.
I actually made a pot of oatmeal today for my girls to have on a cold blustery day.
I'm continuously thinking what I can take out to them as a treat.

I know the feeling is mutual because every time I go out to the pen all 18 run out to greet me.
And one that I do is to eat less of something so I have more leftovers to give them.
Yea, I spoil them but they repay me with beautiful healthy eggs.

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