You know you love your chickens when...

When you dice up their scraps or say night night as you close their coop door at night!
I always say "Good morning chickens!" and "good night" to my chickens. Glad I'm not the only one.
Yep, I am guilty of quite a few of the above also plus a couple not mentioned like …

Buying eggs at the supermarket to scramble and feed to them when they are off the lay.

Scheduling any weekend trip to the movies so that we attend a session which allows us to be home in time to ensure the girls get to bed OK.

Planning and preparing the night before what is for their breakfast the next morning and delivering it before coffee, shower etc.

Making them special treats on their birthday [or should that be hatchday?
] and at Christmas.

Racing through the housework in double time so that supervised free range is for as long as possible.

Working from home so that if there is an issue, I am close by and if I do have to work on site, ringing hubby at lunch time to ask how they are.

Yep, I know .. I have a problem, but they are family!
Only then ? I talk to mine constantly. I think it helps them read my calm mood, or maybe know if I am cross with them.

I always say "Good morning chickens!" and "good night" to my chickens. Glad I'm not the only one. ;)

Not just at night,anytime! I just used that as an example,cause well...I didn't think anyone even talked to their chickens,let alone say night night,like putting the actual kids to bed! My 2 buff orps are so friendly, when i'm just doing something outside,i stop to go in and pet and talk to them! Lol
When they all run to you when you talk to them and they talk back. When you make them warm oatmeal before bed time cuz its cold out. When you make them aprons cuz they are molting and it's cold out and you don't want them to get cold.

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