You know you love your chickens when...

You Pick through the mu shu chicken in order to remove the chicken before giving it to your girls. You know they will love everything else but feeding them the chicken just feels wrong.
I thought I was weird doing this. I overcome my distaste for eating chicken at all knowing where it comes from, but I'm not going to turn my girls into cannibals.
I caught myself telling each pullet as I moved them from the coop to the tractor "Only the prettiest girls get to go outside" and when my husband came over to help I handed him a bird and then yelled at him "Tell her she's pretty!!!!"
All of the hunks of tree you asked the lopper to leave which you intended turning into a fabulous parrot stand have made their way into the chook run instead.
You know you love your chickens when you go to the brooder to wake them up
In the middle of the night and tell them to get a drink of water and a bite to eat. You wait until all ten take a drink and a bite of food then lead them back to the heated brinsea brooder and make sure they all get under before you go back to sleep. You do this because you want to make sure they stay well hydrated under the heat. The cutest thing is they follow my hand and drink and eat when I ask!oh I do love my babies!!♡♡♡
When you lose sleep worrying about the 'littles' first night outside in the coop! And having dreams about all the possible things that could happen even though they're locked up like Fort Knox! Happily they did very well despite a little chilly last night!

I understand your concern... This is the first night in the coop for my 6 RIRs (11 wks old) and I'm about sick with nerves. They were cheeping and freaking out, in typical fashion, and the anxiety spread right to me. The 3 BR (6wks) got whooped on by the queen Red so they're still inside for now. Ugh, IL weather is also fickle so that just adds to the misery. Hopefully this goes ok.
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I understand your concern... This is the first night in the coop for my 6 RIRs (11 wks old) and I'm about sick with nerves. They were cheeping and freaking out, in typical fashion, and the anxiety spread right to me. The 3 BR (6wks) got whooped on by the queen Red so they're still inside for now. Ugh, IL weather is also fickle so that just adds to the misery. Hopefully this goes ok.

You know you love your chickens when you go to the brooder to wake them up
In the middle of the night and tell them to get a drink of water and a bite to eat. You wait until all ten take a drink and a bite of food then lead them back to the heated brinsea brooder and make sure they all get under before you go back to sleep. You do this because you want to make sure they stay well hydrated under the heat. The cutest thing is they follow my hand and drink and eat when I ask!oh I do love my babies!!♡♡♡

Ugggggh! I am always a nervous wreck the first few days the babies are in the outside brooder

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