You know you love your chickens when...

When you get stabbed hard between the toes by a stick and need to raid the chickens' first aide kit, because your own kit sucks (see post #327), and lacks anything you need to disinfect, treat, and dress the wound, except for a bandaid that won't really stay if you try to put it between your toes.

ETA: I got stabbed by the stick while lugging restaurant kitchen scraps (refer to post #326) to feed the spoiled buggers.
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When you walk to the back of the pasture because you know all 9 hens will follow on your trek and talk sweet clucky
to you all the way and stay with you till you're ready to return.
and need to raid the chickens' first aide kit, because your own kit sucks (see post #327),
When you raid the pets' first aid kit and then go to the chemist to replenish the supplies so that it's stocked in case anything happens to them, still not giving a thought to stocking a better one for the people.
...when your phone camera is overtaken by chick pictures instead of your kid pictures
...when you dig around the yard looking for the 'perfect' stick to start them to perch in the brooder box.
When you don't crush the huge disgusting spider dragging a huge disgusting egg sac through the grass because then it will give birth and there will be millions of huge disgusting spiders for your chicken birds to eat.
When you don't crush the huge disgusting spider dragging a huge disgusting egg sac through the grass because then it will give birth and there will be millions of huge disgusting spiders for your chicken birds to eat.

I love how you call them "chicken birds."

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