You May Call Us Rodents or Vermin, But You Dont Know Us Yet - The RP(Role Play)

Dusty took a nut and picked a rock and threw it on it cracking it wide open. Dusty devoured the nut the whines "ugghhghghh I'm still hungry.
Dusty dropped a small nut on Solander, Xavier, and Saratogas head. Dusty swooped down laughing so hard she couldn't catch her breath.
Xavier rubbed the abused area with his wing. He growled under his breath at Dusty. But turned his attention back to Saratoga and said, " Now what mischief shall we do today?" He thought a moment then smiled brightly. "We can go to the wishing fountain and grab the coins before they hit the water. That really makes the humans mad. Then we'll give all the money to animal helpers." He explained to her.

Solander cackled out excitement. "Me be good with this one! Me like big silver coins!" He danced around in circles flapping his wings.
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Saratoga nodded and smiled. "That sounds like fun."

Ashton came around, picking up small nuts. "There you are!!! I had to track you guys down!!"
Xavier walked over to Ashton and did a bow with a flutter of his wings. "Hello and good morning, Miss Ashton. How does the world find you today, my dear sweet raccoon friend?" He said, as he straightened up. Xavier smiled slightly and explained. "I hung around the ledge of the drama department, at the community college. I loved it when they did those period plays. No one ever says hello like that anymore. That's a shame, if your ask me." He surged and looked back at Saratoga, Solander and Dusty.

Solander was still rolling on his back and kicking his feet. He was laughing so hard at Xavier. He did and said the strangest things, sometimes.
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Dusty smiled "Ooh shiny coins! Let's go!!!!!

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