Your Favorite Type of Chicken!!!!


7 Years
May 18, 2012
New Yawk
I'm getting 3 new chickens in a couple of days but I don't know what to order. So far me and my dad have agreed on 1 Black Star and 1 Black Austrolorp, both hens. I have yet to decide on the third. I need a cold hardy, preferably docile and friendly hen. Any ideas?? After I decide you can use it to just tell people what your favorite chickens are or something :)

p.s. I like colorful, single combed chickens and were not looking for any crested or polish. Egg laying does not matter to me.

The sweetest chick in my flock, cold hardy, and great egg layers. they are pretty colors too! oh, and by the way, my star layed an egg today at 17 weeks 3 days!!!!

The sweetest chick in my flock, cold hardy, and great egg layers. they are pretty colors too! oh, and by the way, my star layed an egg today at 17 weeks 3 days!!!!

YAY!! I already have one and she is the one being overmated and I like having a bunch of different varieties of chickens. I love my buff orpington so good choice but I want a different kind.
Maybe an Easter Egger? My little EE hen is a sweetheart, as well as a great layer.

My dad doesn't want one... I already tried
hes stubborn and he thinks they look wierd. Thanks though!!
I'm thinking a silkie now, even though I said no crested or polish... THEY LOOK SO FUZZY!!!!!!!!! Are they cold hardy? And are they nice and friendly??
If eggs are not as important than anything from the Cochin bantam family would make a nice docile pet. Sizzles, frizzles and silkies! Also standard size silver or golden laced wyandottes would be a good choice.

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