Zebu Heifer

I have mini zebu cattle and have a bottle fed heifer. If you want cuddled, slobbery cow then a bottled one might be your best bet. A scared zebu can jump like a deer and are very quick. It is possible if you spent a lot of time an effort into her you could tame her down. Of course if you get her and change your mind you can always drop her off here in FL....... ;)
I would ask what they've done to tame her so far. Have they stood quietly, or just barge right up to her? When feeding her, do they just toss the food at her and leave, or do they give her time to stand and watch as they bring food to her? She might be naturally wary, and just hasn't had a chance of settling down, or she could be one of those animals that's just semi-wild.
Best of luck no matter what you decide, although I have to think you have the right idea. It will be a much happier experience if you find a girl that is already friendly and will help you learn about cattle and milking and all.
I thank you all. I have decided to pass. She was as wild as a deer. She is going to hurt anyone trying to catch and load her. The guy is keeping her since he cant catch her either. I think I am going to get a couple of milk goats instead. I have had goats in the past and know what to do with them! Again Thanks!
Goats are a good idea. Not many people have been put in the hospital by a goat.
I love milk goats, much more personable than cattle in my mind, could just be my mind set from growing up with beef cattle but I always thought my goats were as much pet as utlitarian. Hoping to get one again soon myself.
UPDATE: After saying no several times to the heifer and deciding it was a bad idea all together to try taming her...I ended up getting her last Wednesday. It took NINE of us to corner her, my son lassoed her and after a good scuffle we loaded her into a trailer...upside down by her feet since she decided she wouldnt walk and brought her home. The man who had her had given up and was simply looking for someone to shoot her and remove the body.

It took three days to get her to eat and drink but she is doing well and not completely terrified of us here as she was at his house. I have her in a large stall and plan to start halter training next week. Its going to take time obviously and lots of patience and prayer.

Meet my new Zebu!! Sophia! More pics when we get her out of the stall.

LOL I doubt I have a handle on anything yet and she really has no choice but to tolerate us in the stall.If she ever gets out I will have to round up the nine to catch her again! Hopefully the halter will come today so I can get it on her this weekend with a lead rope to drag.
I will keep you all posted and will post new pics soon!

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