Subject One
Name: Genevieve Aquila…Junior. (Goes by Gen, or Genny if you're her friend.)
Gender: Female
Age/Year: Senior, 17
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Strength (Dung Beetle)
2: Super Jump (Spittlebug)
3: Agility (Gibbon)
4: Pretty much indestructible (Tardigrade)
Personality: To be RPed
History: Genevieve Aquila's daughter. The rest…You'll find out.
Crush: None.
Girl/Boyfriend: None.
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Subject Two
Name: Avis Fury
Gender: Female
Age/Year: Freshman, 15.
1: Two voice boxes. (Wood Thrush)
2: Human GPS (Pigeon. Yes, Pigeon.)
3: Extreme Eyesight (Golden eagle)
Personality: Fiery and stubborn, but friendly. ADD. Total klutz.
History: Family owns a tourist shop on MDI.
Picture or Description:

Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Subject Three
Name: Gideon O'Connel
Gender: Male
Age/Year: Sophomore, 16
1: Power-punch (Mantis shrimp)
2: Ability to lift 850 times his weight (Rhinoceros Beetle)
3: Extreme color vision (Mantis shrimp)
Personality: Shy, sweet and tough. Strong, silent type.
History: He was in a foster home when he was accepted to Aquila. His foster parents have now adopted him. Was killed in the first test.
Crush: Connie Hodges
Girl/Boyfriend: Connie Hodges (Temporarily)
Picture or Description:

Other: Deceased
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Subject Four
Name: Cassandra (Goes by Cass) O'Kelly
Gender: Female
Age/Year: Junior, 17
1: Retractable nails (Cat)
2: Electricity (Electric Eel)
3: Regeneration (Axolotl)
History: From Ireland, but moved here when she was 6.
Crush: None yet.
Picture or Description:

Other: Speaks Gaelic.
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Subject Five
Name: Jasper Goldsmith
Gender: Male
Age/Year: 16, Sophomore
1: Endurance (Swift)
2: Extreme reflexes (Mongoose)
3: Can break the bones in his fingers and toes and push them out of his skin to make claws (Hairy Frog)
4: Can change his color/texture (Octopus)
Personality: Smooth, a bit arrogant, but a good guy
History: Got into fights as a kid.
Crush: None. HE'S OPEN LADIES!!!
Girl/Boyfriend: None.
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge
Username: Gertrude McFuzz

Subject Six
Name:Kathryn Jones
Age/year: senior 17
1:retractable nails(cat)
2:really good eyesight in the dark(panther)
3:has fangs (lion)
4:good hearing(cat)
personality:kind funny,can be serious.has short temper
History:can't think of one
crush:none yet
boy/girl frienyet:none yet


Subject Seven
Name: Dirk Hodges
Gender: Male
Age/Year: 16, Junior.
1: Increased endurance and, at times, tenacity. (Honey Badger)
2: Improved speed, stamina and, to some extent, reaction time. (Cheetah)
3: Increased general strength. (Ape)
4: Ability to mimic sounds and slightly throw his voice. (Macaw)
Personality: ADHD (like me!), a great guy once you get to know him, is very protective of those who can’t stand up for themselves, has a great sense of humor, kind of shy when it comes to the opposite gender. Sometimes he can’t seem to stop talking about whatever he’s thinking about. (Also like me!)
History: He got into a fight with a group of masked thugs about a year ago while trying to prevent them from mugging his mother at knife and gun-point. He and Connie managed to hold them off until police arrived and arrested the would-be muggers (who, by the way, are now each serving at least 20 years in federal prison), but during the fight he was slashed across his face with a hunting knife by one of the attackers, giving him the scar that he still carries. Miraculously, even though the knife sliced into his eyelid, the eye itself was not damaged, so he still has 20/20 vision.
Crush: Avis Fury.
Girl/Boyfriend: N/A (for now)
Picture or Description: In a word: handsome. His head is topped by an unruly forest of fiery red hair that he usually keeps at about an inch long. His eyes stand out most because they are each a different color; his left eye being a medium blue and his right eye a bright opaline green. He has a very nasty scar that starts in the middle of his right cheek, runs over his right eye, and ends on the left side of his forehead (there is a piece of the scar on his actual eyelid, but it’s normally hard to see). He stands at 5’2” with an athletic build, not unlike his sister Connie.
Other: He is pretty much a train-wreck when it comes to knowing how to talk or interact with girls, his mind more or less throws common sense, logic, basic thought, and any shred of courage out the window when he is around pretty much any high-school-age girl he isn’t related to. (Again, like me!)
Username: Trainfullachickens14

Subject Eight
Name: Constance (Connie) Hodges
Gender: Female
Age/Year: 15, Sophomore.
1: She has much greater general strength. (Rinocerous Beetle)
2:She can see better in darkness and has great eyesight overall. (Owl)
3: She has control over her hair. (Think of Dr. Octopus except the arms are her hair and it can stretch.) (Octopus)
4: She is very agile and is able to move on virtually any surface with ease. (Spider)
Personality: Very Tomboy-ish, ADD, tough, smart, clever, creative, caring and protective especially for those who can’t protect themselves, great sense of humor. She is sweet and nice on the inside, but if you make her angry, you’d better hope you’re either wearing something bullet-proof or can run like nobody’s business, let’s just leave it at that.
History: Was bullied as a child because her well-toned body didn’t have the smooth contours that girls are “supposed to have” in order to be “pretty” until one day she stood up for herself and fought back hard enough that one of the bullies ran off crying holding a broken and bleeding nose, and another was left with a dislocated shoulder. After that day, she was a much tougher teen and would step in and stand up for the weaker ones whenever the opportunity presented itself.
Crush: Gideon O'Connel
Girl/Boyfriend: N/A (for now)
Picture or Description: In short: very cute and innocent at first glance, but intimidating after a closer look. She has straight, silky blonde hair that reaches down to her waist when relaxed. Her eyes are a very deep blue, almost purple, and sometimes look like they belong on a much younger girl. She stands at 4’11” and has a very athletic build, not unlike her older brother Dirk. She is strong enough to fight and beat any girl her age (which she has done) and most guys her age (which she has also done).
(Last thing, she is my favorite of my characters. Definitely not saying that I WANT Dirk to die, but if only one lives I want it to be Connie.)
Username: Trainfullachickens14

Subject Nine
Name: Jenna McCartney
Gender: Female
Age: 16
1. Hollow fangs filled with a neurotoxic venom that causes temporary blindness if sprayed in a person’s eyes. (Indochinese Spitting Cobra)
2. Extreme agility. (Mountain goat)
3. Enhanced senses. (Wolf)
4. Tactile-sensitive hair. {Basically, her hair functions the same way that cat whiskers do, including her being able to move her hair way a cat moves its whiskers.} (Leopard.)
Personality: Very sweet, quiet and calm. Mostly keeps to herself. She doesn’t get angry easily, but when she does she has quite a temper.
History: She born and raised in Brooklyn.
Crush: Gideon O'Connel
Girl/Boyfriend: None
Picture or description:

Other: I love fudge!
Username: bluedragonfire

Subject Ten
Name: Katerina (Kat or Kitty) Williams-Dawlinson
Gender: Female
Age: 17
1. Speed. (Gazelle)
2. Can mimic any sound. (Mockingbird)
3. Fangs and retractable claws. (Lion)
4. Can move and control her hair. (Giant squid)
Personality: Quiet until she gets to know you, mischievous, kind, clever, stubborn.
History: She and her family moved from Galveston, Texas after her dad got a promotion.
Crush: Garret Reams
Boyfriend: None yet.

(Greenish blue eyes, pale skin, red hair, freckles.)
Other: When she was five, someone dared her to never cut her hair. She accepted the dare and hasn’t cut it since. She is 5'8", and her hair is now 12 feet long. Is the fudge chocolate, and does it come without nuts?
Username: bluedragonfire

Subject Eleven
Name: (Last name required.) Samantha Houser (Sam)
Gender: female
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.) 17, Junior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Can run really fast (Cheetah)
2: Can see very well (Hawk)
3: Can jump really high (Kangaroo)
4: (Optional. Cannot be an ability used for fighting.)
Personality: (Optional.) Smart, brave, athletic, loyal to her friends, she will probably kill you if you call her Samantha instead of Sam, has a MAJOR temper; do NOT get on her bad side! Other than her temper she is quite nice.
History: Her father abused her until he went to prison for beating her mom to death when Sam was 15.
Crush: None yet.
Picture or Description: Waist length blonde hair that is usually in a braid, royal blue eyes, 5'8" tall, kinda curvy, high cheekbones, lightly tan.
Username: charnic44

Subject Twelve
Name: (Last name required.) Weston Sparks
Gender: Male
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.) 17, Junior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Can climb almost completely flat surfaces. (Spider)
2: Electricity. (Electric eel)
3: Can run really fast. (Cheetah)
4: (Optional. Cannot be an ability used for fighting.)
Personality: (Optional.) Smart, funny, witty, athletic, over confident sometimes, will defend his friends. Has a very small temper but if you mess with his friends he will explode in your face.
History: His father died in Afghanistan when he was 3. Lived with his mother until he came here.
Crush: Cass O'Kelly
Picture or Description: Short black hair, light green eyes, muscular, 6'0" tall, 165 lbs.
Other: Fudge
Username: charnic44

Subject Thirteen
Name: (Last name required.) Mika Williams
Gender: Male
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.) 17 senior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Retractable claws (Cat)
2: Electricity (Electric eel)
3: Agility (Gazelle)
4: (Optional. Cannot be an ability used for fighting.)
Personality: (Optional.) Smart, quiet, will stand up for what he believes in, don't mess with him; he has a MAJOR temper.
History: Only child, parents tried for more but failed so they have decided to give Mika everything they can.
Crush: Kathryn Jones
Picture or Description: Shaggy brown hair, hazel/grey eyes, 6'1" tall.
Other: Fudge
Username: charnic44

Subject Fourteen
Name: Noa Reams
Gender: female
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.)16 junior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: sharp eyesight eagle
2: venom Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake
3: claws tiger
4: camouflaging octopus
Personality: (Optional.)
History: lived with her widowed mother until she was sent to this school, she doesn't like to talk about her past much. especially how her father died.
Crush: none
Girl/Boyfriend: none yet
Picture or Description:

black hair and blue/grey eyes
Username: Starrnico

Subject Fifteen
Name: Garret Reams
Gender: male
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.) 17 Senior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: run up to 60 mph cheetah
2: internal GPS pigion
3: lift up to 850 times his own weight rhinoceros beetle
4: doesn't need to sleep much ants
Personality: (Optional.)
History: Noa's half brother, they only met when they were young and were kept apart for the last 10 years since their father died.
Crush: none
Girl/Boyfriend: not yet
Picture or Description:

black hair, blue eyes
Username: Starrnico

Subect Sixteen
Name:Eve Lovell
Gender: female
Age/Year: (Freshman are 14-15 Sophomores are 15-16 Juniors are 16-17 and Seniors are 17-18.) 14 freshman
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: teeth/claws wolf
2: climb almost any surface Geckos
3: generate electric shocks Electric eels
4: imitate any sound Lyrebirds
Personality: (Optional.)
History: lived with her father, doesn't know what happened to her mother. Her father sent her to this school after receiving a letter.
Crush: none
Girl/Boyfriend: none yet
Picture or Description:

Username: Starrnico

Subject Seventeen
Name: Kimberly (Kim) Yumiko
Gender: F
Age/Year:16 Sophomore
1: Agility (gazelles)

2: Speed (Cheetah)
3: Endurance (later flight maybe?) (Artic Tern)
4: Hearing (Plus Flight e.o but that's later [maybe]) (Bat)
Personality: Quiet, trustworthy, loyal, rather quiet and doesn't often get her point across, though she's genius. Stutters around people she doesn't know (especially boys)
History: Was always content to bear anything people threw at her and is very submissive, except under certain circumstances. She grew up in a nice family, with too many older brothers. They use to tease her but were very protective of their only sister, until she was sent away.
Crush: dunno (None yet)
Girl/Boyfriend: erm no
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge.Has a short sword+bow (fighting purposes)
Username: Shleya Remmos

Subject Eighteen
Name: Grant Key
Gender: M
Age/Year: Senior 17
1: Can survive any extreme condition (Tardigade [or Water Bear])
2: enhanced smell (Silvertip Grizzly [7 times stronger than the bloodhound.])
3: Enhanced sight (Hawk)
4: Infrared vision (Pit Viper)
Personality: easy-going, happy unless you do one of the select things that offend him. (You'll have to figure it out.) athletic and smart, won't answer any questions unless he is directly asked. good strategist.
History: He grew up with three older sisters and a younger brother. His sisters were always pushing him to be 'that perfect guy.' his father was a karate sensi, so he just learned from him, but really loves nunchucks and keeps a pair on him.
Crush: I'll have to decide once we get through any bumps or edges in the beginning.
Girl/Boyfriend: nope
Picture or Description:

(You know when you can't ever find a good pic for your charrie?) black hair instead of brownish blonde dark dark green eyes.
Other: FUDGE + nunchucks i already said that tho
Username: Shleya Remmos

Subject Nineteen
Name: Ivory White
Gender: F
Age/Year: almost 17; junior.
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: electric shocks (eel)
2: extremely good climber, so she can pretty much climb any rough surface, not smooth. (Monkey, lol. And no, she doesn't have fleas)
3: can pick things up to 50 times her weight (ant)
4. Night vision (cat)
Personality: bright, witty, cheerful, curious, bad temper at times, hard to make mad, adventurous, daredevil, oddball, almost always barefoot (when she can), loves to read books, and likes nature.
History: has 11 brothers, and is the youngest of them all, and is the only girl in her family, besides her mom.
Crush: none yet :3
Girl/Boyfriend: none
Picture or Description: strawberry blond hair that goes down a little past her waist, Ivory skin, high cheek bones, light sprinkle of freckles on her nose and cheeks, bright, ember green eyes, slim, 5'9" tall.

Username: MollyBrownROX13

Subject Twenty
Name: Marcus Landrus (Mark)
Gender: M
Age/Year: 16; junior
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: enhanced hearing (dog)
2: increased speed (cheeta)
3: camouflage (chameleon)
4: enhanced sight (eagle)
Personality: funny, sky around girls at times, outgoing, protective of those hectares about, tough, doesn't like it when people fight.
History: lives with a foster family
Crush: open
Picture or Description: electric blue eyes, sandy blond hair, muscular build, 5'10" tall, small dimple in his cheek when he smiles.

Username: MollyBrownROX13

Subject Twenty-One
Name: Cherrylea(Cher) Leight
Age/Year: 16 (Sophomore)
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Can lift really heavy loads with a single limb -Elephants
2: Can imitate any sound((maybe also flight??)) -lyrebird
3: Electrolocation(can sense electrical signals in creatures' muscles) -Platypus [and also bees]
4: Can sense the Earth's magnetic field as a 'compass' -Salmon
Personality: Enjoys having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways, relatively social and enjoys the company of others, good-natured, courteous, supportive, but can be a little crazy sometimes. Generally sees the cup as half-full, but can become very pessimistic and moody.
History: She lived a pretty normal life, with both a younger sister and an older brother. Then one day she had gotten a letter from Aquila High School, and she went there the next year.
Crush: none/ OPEN
Girl/Boyfriend: n/a
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge
Username: Mantha8225

Subject Twenty-Two
Name: Liam Cambria
Gender: Male
Age/Year: 17 (Junior)
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: Camoflauge -Cuttlefish
2: Venomous spurs, which cause extreme pain -platypus
3: Can heal himself, even with injuries such as lost limbs -Axototl
4: Panoramic view -Chameleon
Personality: (Optional.)
History: Was an only child, and had a close relationship with his family
Crush: secret :3
Girl/Boyfriend: nope
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge[is awesome]
Username: Mantha8225

Subject Twenty-Three
Name: Kiri-Lee Marron
Gender: Female
Age/Year: Junior
1: Echolocation (bats)
2: Extreme hearing (Owl)
3: Hyper Aware (cats owls basically any fighting's kinda like when some blind people know something is there but for Kyri it's multiplied by ten)
4: Can memorize and mimic any noise she hears (mocking bird)
Personality: Shy, cunning, mischievous. She doesn't open up to people much, but is usually kind to most. But she loves funny things and pranks...just kinda to shy to pull them off by her self...
Crush: none yet
Girl/Boyfriend: none yet
Picture or Description:

Other: Fudge. She is blind but it isn't really all that noticeable at first. You have to really watch the subtle movements to realize what is wrong with her.
Username: Silverdragon

Subject Twenty-Four
Name: Lucas Stoke
Gender: Male
Age/Year: Junior 17
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: African Wild Dog - Sustained speed, endurance.

2: Spine-tailed swift - Speed - Can fly at 160km/hr level speed ( fastest bird in the world when flying level ).
3: Dung Beetle for strength - They can pull 1,141 times their own body weight. This is the equivalent of an average person pulling six double-decker buses full of people
4: Spin-tailed swifts incredible agility.
Personality: Kind, trustful, smart, friendly.
History: n/a
Crush: n/a
Girl/Boyfriend: n/a
Picture or Description: Brown hair. tan skin. Average height. Not skinny but not fat. Not lanky. Pretty muscular. Blue eyes.
Other: Fudge is so yummy!!!
Username: CluckCluckLuke

Subject Twenty-Five
Name: Michael Dracon (a.k.a. Mickey or Mickey D.)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
1: Enhanced abilities. (Bear)
2: Extremely strong legs. (Kangaroo)
3: Self-healing, including regrowing lost limbs. (Starfish)
4: Camouflage. (Octopus)
Personality: Friendly and funny, but is serious when he needs to be. Protective of his little brother.
History: To be revealed (because I can't think of anything at the moment.)
Crush: None yet.
Girlfriend: None yet.

Other: Fudge. Richard is his younger brother.
Username: bluedragonfire

Subject Twenty-Six
Name: Richard (Rich) Dracon
Gender: Male
Age: 15
1: Enhanced sense of smell. (Bloodhound)
2: Extreme strength. (Elephant)
3: Agility. (Cat)
4: Can cling to almost every surface. (Spider)
Personality: A bit shy, generally optimistic, kind, caring.
History: Same as Michael's.
Crush: None yet.
Girlfriend: None yet.

Other: Fudge. Michael is his older brother.
Username: bluedragonfire

Subject Twenty-Seven
Name: Jason Scice
Gender: Male
Age/Year: Junior 17
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: 30,000 facet eyes (dragonfly)
2: Dragonfly wings (well....duh)
3: Poison stings in his fingertips. He can make them retract or extend like real wasps. (Yes...wasps are poisonous...just not enough to hurt us humans. But his poison can)
4: Glow in the dark skin (firefly)
Personality: Mischievous, witty, but courteous. Don't misjudge him though...he is a lot more complicated than he seems.
Crush: none yet
Girl/Boyfriend: none yet
Picture or Description:

He looks young for his age and is rather short and skinny as well. But don't let his size fool you.
Other: Fudge
Username: SilverDragon

Subject Twenty-Eight
Name: (Last name required.) Sapphire Onay

Age/Year: 16 (Junior)
1: Strong kicks (like dolphin's super tail)
2: Swift running (Cheetah)
3: night vision. (Owl)
4: (Optional. Cannot be an ability used for fighting.)
History: Was born in San Diego, California
Crush: None
Girl/Boyfriend: None
Picture or Description: Blonde hair, brown eyes, naturally curly hair, and long nails
Username: TinyBeaks

Subject Twenty-Nine
Name: Michelle (Miki)
Gender: F
Age/Year: junior 17
Powers: (What the powers are and what they are based off of.)
1: camouflage -including changing her shape to take on another form and hide (mimic octopus)
2: can generate a sound that reaches about 218 decibels. (Pistol shrimp)
3: self-healing (axolotl)
4: can turn herself into liquid form, and then back again (sea cucumber)
Personality: a bit of a geek/nerd, kind, can be quiet and sensitive, loves books and writing stories, protective of those she cares about, won't hesitate to defend someone, hates being the center of attention, doesn't like sympathy, very smart, computer geek. Is also very good at hunting. Can have a very bad temper.
History: has a younger brother and mom. Her dad left them when Miki was only 8.
Crush: open
Girl/Boyfriend: nope
Picture or Description:
Curly black (very dark brown) hair that reaches her waist, pale silver eyes, 5'10" tall, slim,

Other: pro with the bow and arrow
Username: MollyBrownROX13