Reviews by MaryW2K

Can Chickens Swim?

BYC Project Manager
6 min read
4.42 star(s) 12 ratings
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I found some water safety information important to know. It explains quite well why chickens do not swim well. I have a kiddie pool for my hens in the summer. It gets really hot here in NC and they love going in and cooling their feet off. I put stepping stones in it so they do not slip and add water just above the stones. On really really hot days like the 90's and up I freeze a block of ice and add that too. When first introducing it I put a small brick in the middle to intice them in. Now they go in food or not. So water for chickens can be good if done safely. I started this when they were pullets and fully outdoors not as small chicks. Oh and make sure you keep it clean they will drink from it too. You will get the occasional poop. Have a great day all!
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