Reviews by Tdwhite4098

Top Ways To Keep Your Chickens Cool In Summer

BYC Project Manager
6 min read
4.93 star(s) 14 ratings
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I had chickens as a kid. I don’t remember them being as “fun” as much as a “chore” when I was younger. Mine are about 4.5 months old and They are a hoot!. I have 3 Brahmas, 2 Rhode island reds and 2 Leghorns. They have such personality. We have a run but in the morning, I’m training them to stay in a particular area, so I just pull out my folding chair and sit outside with them and “work” from home in the morning doing my “charting” as I’m a home nurse. I’ve been a bit worried because we are experiencing “extreme heat advisories” with >110 degree temps. Next week we are suppose to hit 117 degrees. I’ve done just about everything I can think of and I’m hoping it’s enough. We have evap cooler, misting system, water, frozen veg treats, etc. This is the first summer we’ve ever had chickens.. As a kid, we would let our chickens run loose during the day and I don’t remember ever “babying them”. I know we never had misters, etc on them and they all seemed to do fine. We lived in Tucson AZ when I was a kid. Now we live in Phoenix. I hope they’ll do ok. I don’t want to loose any to heat. C6E32120-9EAA-4ABC-8D2A-4B794F3E2B87.jpeg
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