Bonnie's Coop

What a nice coop you've built! I had no real carpentry experience either when I started my coop - and I also have a little pile of things that sounded like a good idea but turned out not to work well or look quite right. Gate hardware in particular :)
You did an outstanding job. This is a fantastic chicken coop. I may follow your lead on this coop.
Perfect coop AND run dimensions for 10 birds! If chicken math hits you will need to extend, but, HEY, you are an experienced carpenter now! I love that you explained your mistakes and lessons learned, especially the one that says just cuz ya never built doesn't mean you can't. KUDOS!:clap
This has so many positives that it's hard to know where to start. Good explanation of the ideas behind your decision. Lots of pictures to clearly show what you went through. Awesome final coop!
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