010-07-14 05:43:20

An Introduction to My Chickens as of July 2010 with an update on April 20 2011

First shown is Bunny a funny colored silkie I peeled out of her shell on Oct 18 '11 and my companion

  • Wooly Bully a blue Silkie Rooster-----Lost to a fox, April '11
  • Splish Splash a splash Silkie hen and Wooly's mate----Lost to a fox, March '11
  • Doll Face their daughter, a blue pullet
  • 5 Blue Silkie pullets from Wooly and Splishy---2 of the blue pullets lost to the fox, early spring '11
  • 6 Splash Silkie pullets from Wooly and Splishy---2 of them taken by the fox, 2 now (4-20-11) have babies and another one is broody and safely locked in the nursery coop
  • a Splash Silkie cockerel hatched from an egg bought on eBay
  • a Blue Silkie cockerel also from the same eBay seller
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    2 Silkies hatched from eggs bought on eBay supposed to be from Hattrick line, one in the picture above
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    2 White Silkie chicks bought on 7/10 at ChickenStock from nursecat9 , sold one and one diedhttps://www.backyardchickens.com/viewblog.php?id=28231&PHPSESSID=070170a4044abfc5e645d0a593a8079d
  • Yum Yum a Splash Silkie Rooster----given to a young boy crazy about chickens
  • Nestie Boy One a blue or black Silkie Rooster----taken by the fox spring ' 11
  • Nestie Boy Two a blue or black Silkie Rooster, a lonely roo
  • 12 silkies have hatched so far in 2011 with lots more on the way to replace the heartbreaking fox depredations

Dark Cornish Bantam

      • Leroy Brown and his 3 hens----Leroy was taken by the fox in April '11, looking either for a new roo or to sell the girls

Black Japanese Bantam
  • One cockerel and one pullet, rather wild
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      • Mamacita, a sweet hen, given to the same young boy as Yum Yum to keep them from being taken by the foxes
      • the unnamed pullet hatched out 6 babies of which 5 are thriving in the nursery and the wild rooster has so far eluded the fox