Charlene’s Chicken Palace or We’ve Come A Long Way Baby!

Good coop article!

It could use more build details. excellent pictures
Your entire run is predator proof. I have one too. I never close the door to the coop. They are free to come and go between coop and run as they wish. I see no reason why you cannot do the same.
You will likely not need any heat source in the winter. As long as your coop is DRY and you keep as much ventilation open as possible, they will be just fine.
I love the stone path and the landscaping you did around the run. It is very beautiful.
Appropriately named "palace"! This is a chicken palace.
Well constructed and sturdy material was used, many pictures showing the thought-through details.
Well done!
What a beautiful setup--and looks like a lot of fun for the chickens and humans alike! Toys and sand and chairs OH MY! I love all the ventilation in the coop. Did you end up putting in a droppings board I wonder?
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No dropping board, I put play sand over the vinyl flooring that I got at our local flooring store, it was a remnant. Easy to clean! I have 4 clean outs, but really only need to use two, the main one is located right outside where their roost bars are so all I have to do is open the door and use my heavy duty metal litter scooper and sift through the sand. Cleaning the entire run and coop takes me about 5 minutes a day.
Very nice!
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