Crazy Six Chicks

I had a swing set in the backyard that I used to built the base and I used the roof from it too. I got the shingles for free from extra ones I had. I used the railings of the swing set/ play set to build the run. The only wood i had to buy is the wood that the walls are made out of.

This is the earliest picture I took of the coop.

In the mean time, chicks are getting bigger.

I put the chicks in the run on a warm day so they can get used to it. i started putting the wire on too. I painted it and added a ramp, they don't use it now but it's there anyways haha.

I still have a little finishing touches but this is where they are living right now.

The door to get to the run.

Three nesting boxes and a window to get the eggs when they start to lay.

Down the ramp.

The egg window.

I love how they drink haha!

Thanks for visiting! Just feel free to ask if you have any questions.