This story starts with a phone call from the wife; says the store has chicks. She and the kids bring home six. Two days later, we lost one; and another trip to the store. Somehow one replacement becomes five additional new chicks. Wow, now 10 chicks and not even a box to keep them in.
My first observation is that chicks eat and grow fast. Thanks to all families who provided their coop information on this website, it helped so much in creating this coop for our 10 chickens.

These are pictures from their initial move in.

The coop is 16 feet long and 5.5 feet wide. We needed it to be movable, so it was built on a frame that can be dragged or an axel can be inserted with wheels. We’ll post construction photo’s soon

The perches are rounded with square ends that easily slide in and out. Painting the wire the same dark green made it almost transparent and appealing.

The floor is old 5/4 deck board cut to 1.25 inches. All surfaces routed with 1" round-over bit and sanded. So far this has worked great and is almost self ceaning. For cool nights we throw an floor mat in with some hay.

March 29th

Progress as of April 15th. The design was based on some other COOPs on this website and converting an existing round hay bale structure (the 4 post shelter with roof) that my father had build several years ago. Like others we made use of left over materials from other projects.

The log siding is made from a 2x6s. mounted directly to the corner posts and window/door frames.

Bottom trim, to keep rain water on outside & raise trim above inside floor.

Anywhere the chickens could walk or poop on, was rounded and sanded. Enven the floor joists below.

Progress as of April 21. The run, just tall enought to stand up in.