After years and years of begging and begging my mom, I finally convinced her to get me some chickens. On christmas day I came home from my dad's house and was surprised to find a little box of baby chicks sitting under the christmas tree. I have never been so excited in my entire life haha.

Soon we began building our chicken coop and before we knew it our baby chicks had grown into full grown pullets. One day I was in the mall and to my surprise a pet store was selling full grown silkie hens! I guess backyard hens are becoming popular here in the city. There was only one hen left and I couldn't help myself I had to buy her. Now at about 7 months old, (and the silkie is probably around a year or so) everyone is laying eggs now, I get anywhere from 4-7 eggs everyday from my 7 hens.

Here are some pictures of our little flock:

Henrietta our barred rock hen

Cotton our Silkie hen (she's a mix breed, no feathers on legs)

Clementine our Rhode Island Red hen

Hennifer one of our Buff Orpington hens (like Jennifer but hen, yeah I know corny)

Frida one of our Easter Egger hens

Gin my other Buff Orpington (and favorite hen)

And Leah our other Easter Egger, who will soon be rehomed since we are only allowed to have 6 hens in our neighborhood, and she is a very noisy girl and probably has woken up the neighbors before.

This is everyone when they were babies. (we originally had 2 rhode island reds but one died at 3 days old)

This picture is their first day outside (they were very excited)

Here is our coop (excuse the wires, we still had the heat lamp in there when the photo was taken.)

And here is their first day with Cotton. I was so surprised, I was expecting pecking and fighting, but within 10 minutes they all introduced themselves and happily welcomed her into the flock.

Well that's it, I hope you all enjoy your chickens as much as I enjoy mine !