This is my family of five chickens...

May and Loren, our Isa Browns, were rescued along with George from our local animal shelter. They're the top hens as Its impossible to tell which one is more dominant. They go everywhere together.

(May is at the front, Loren Behind and George at the back)

George is a young Red-Sex link rooster and is one of the friendliest, he will do anything to protect his girls. He has only just started crowing and is doing a lot of singing! (though he hasn't perfected his crow yet
) When we first got George, he had blood all over his comb from being attacked by other roosters and the poor thing didn't get a break from May and Loren either. Today he fought off a brush turkey that got into their run, checking out the girls. Finally he has proven himself and the hens have accepted them into their gang of three (they don't want anything to do with the new hens...)

Ebony is our Australorp pullet who loves walks in the garden outside of their run. She was given to us along with Ivory from a friend who showed them at chicken exhibitions. (these hens have been everywhere!) She is cheeky and will quickly grab treats from the other hens, run away and eat it, before Loren and May can beat her up for it. She protects Ivory and isnt afraid of the dogs and cat (pulling on our poor dogs long ears haha) Ebony is a real character!

And finally there's Ivory the real baby of them all, Our 26 week old light Sussex. She loves cuddles and follows Ebony EVERYWHERE!! At night in their coop she will get right underneath either George or Ebony and will snuggle with them all night (great hot water bottle
) When you hold her or when she is eating she gets this nervous twitch which she has apparently had since day 1.

Just a couple more photos...

So there we have it! Our flock of five :)