We had talked for a couple of year about getting chickens. Finally we decided to go for it. We started off with 2 hens and a rooster. A RIR, Barred Rock and our little silkie roo. Being smaller than his ladies never stopped him though! We added 2 Golden Comets and an EE. Also 3 black sexlinks. We have lost a few along the way but currently we total at 9 laying hens, 6 pullets and 13 chicks of varying ages plus the 23 meat birds. My bedroom had chicks in it for over 2 months before it was finally warm enough to move them to the garage. Next year...DUCKS! So yup I am crazy. Our silkie, Cloudy, was white (a fox got him :( ) and have given us some funny looking chicks with his slew of hens.