This is the story of of our chickens.
It all started when I (phoenix chicken) persueded my family to own chickens. My dad had owned chickens before, so he started on the constuction of the coop immediately. The first thing we did was create the fondation. We dug a hole and placed some cinder blocks inside.

Next we mesured it to make sure it would fit the coop. Funny story about the coop, We originaly had a treehouse, but a wind was so stong it knocked one of the support beams loose, and it tumbled out of the tree.

Papa in action

Mixing some cement

Once the cement was poured in, we next added drainage holes, in case water seapped in.

next we put pressure-treated wood on, to hold the coop on.

Dad fixed up the coop a bit.

And then had help putting it on the fondation.

Once it was on, we cut a poeple door and a chicken door.

Sorry for the big photo gap, but I'll try to fill you in. First we added door frames and put in the doors. Next we added the nest boxes and painted. Then we installed the roosts, and last but not least bought our chicks. When they were old enough, we took the for short trips outside.

And now some pictures of our finished coop.

A hens eye view of the entrance.

The roosts.

And finally, the picture of the finished coop, and us admiring our chickens.

Thanks for reading!