My husband and I moved to a small town in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. We wanted a small hobby farm. We've been here 2 years. In May of 2011 I got 6 pullets from a local farmer RI red/White Rock crosses. Gracie, Adeline, Rose, Millie, Thomasina and Inez. and rescued 4 large Orpingtons from his stew pot. Two black, (Medea and Bess) and a white one (Betty White) and a Buff, (Lil).
In July I adopted a White Faced Black Spanish rooster (Tony), from a friend who was getting beat up by the other roosters. By August Lil hatched 4 baby chicks. Two black and two white with black markings (Pat and Loretta). One black one got stepped on by a goat and the other turned out to bee a roo (Louis). So 3 weeks ago Lil began sitting again and they are due in a couple of days. I can't wait to see the outcome, because some will be Tony's and some will be Louis'. We also have 4 goats that I acquired last summer. Dandi, Boo, Charlie and Zoey. They all get along pretty well, except when Tony chases the goats. Which is quite entertaining.
On the 25 I'm also expecting a half a dozen Swedish Rose chicks and am going to try to sneak them in with the others. In May I intend to get a dozen White Faced Black Spansh, straight run chicks. Being on the critical list I hope to raise them and sell them to other interested breeders.