Hi all! My name is Elizabeth. I am relatively new to keeping chickens. I have three batches of chicks I've hatched (may 13, 2010, June 6 & July 8th) in an incubator, Mille Fleur d'uccle bantams, cuckoo maran, b/b/s orps, b/b/s cochins, sl/blr wyandottes and some "mystery" chicks which have turned out to be ee's, BR,and some mixes.
9/23/10 Just hatched out 14 new chicks, 4 dominique, mixed bantams and two silkies.

We were given by a neighbor an "antique" building that at one time in it's life was a chicken coop, and it shall be again.DH and DS have dismantled it, and moved it to our yard. Now it just needs to get put back together!
Hubby hasn't been well, so it is VERY, VERY slowly getting built.....oh how I wish these chicks were OUT of my house! LOL

"Before". Ain't it a mess? LOL

After taking off the outside: Interior studs are OAK!

