Henstrata Bed And Breakfast

A beautiful coop and great explanation of how you built it! Nice job! Love the pictures!
A very well built coop! I love that the author was so frank about the hurdles and problems that always seem to arise during these projects (I think we've all "been there" trying to build something, especially those of us with no prior experience)!. This give a really realistic but also detailed look into the build of this coop. This looks like it may be in a secure fenced backyard, but if someone else was looking to use this build in an area with digging critters (fox, coyote, etc) then I'd also suggest running a "skirt" of hardware cloth or other similar material around the run to keep diggers out.
Nice coop and great description of how you built it.
Instead of using nails, IMHO I feel that screws would have made for a stronger build.
Lovely article with great pictures.
Thank you for so many great details! Very useful information.
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