I'm a new be here. I don't know if this is where you enter for the coop contest, but here you are.
How do you like my new coop? I will be adding more to the western coop theme every year.
Part of the plan.... Maybe a saloon For meat kings.... Latter maybe a bank and add a pig and call it piggy bank.... And a general store... Maybe a gunsmith, or farrier... There's no stopping.... I try to use recycled stuff when I can.

I built the coop myself, it is 6X8 with a 6X8 run.

The coop = front of coop is 7 feet back is 6 (I have a slanted meat roof so I can collect water in the near future), due to cold winter here, it’s insulated and 2X4 walls with ¼ recycled wood from crates. Seven wire mesh (AKA ¼ inch hardware cloth) windows as the chickens can perch and look outside anytime. I also have 6 laying boxes.
The floor is solid 2X6 every 16 inches and ¾ inch pressure treated plywood.
Vinyl flooring for easy clean-up. I divided the chickens due to age and different feed, on the right I have 3 (20 week old) and the left 13 chickens that are approx. 8 to 10 weeks old (on grow feed). The door separation at the back is removable so I can get them to be all together soon. At this time I only have one door to the run, but I can place the door so one side or the other can use the run. In the near future I want to fill a big container of food that way I only need to fill the container one a month, and rain water in a large water barrel less maintenance… Other than cleaning the coop… lol…

The Run = 6X8 run 5 feet high, two doors for access and I buried it with rock & Dirt, the ¾ inch Hardware cloth to the bottom of the coop and extends out approx. 1 ½ feet outwards (predator safe/ weasel safe)

Total cost was about $600.00 for wood, metal roof, paint, wire mesh (Not cheap) etc.… I tried to use what I had and recycle as much as I could.

PS. I could use an automatic coop door....lol