This year I will be writing an article all week about county fair. Each day will have highlights from what has been done along with a picture of the day from what has been done.
Interviews took place for cats and cakes. We got stuff to bathe the chickens and are prepared for Tuesday baths.
Today's picture is of my cake that I spent 3 hours on decorating and will hopefully help me make it to state.

Today is the one day I won't be at the fairgrounds, my neighbor and I will be bathing our chickens and doing some final prep today.
No pictures managed to be taken, so there is no picture to say so, bathing chickens is interesting

I brought the chickens there today, they are settled in. I can see their heart of free-range with a couple scratching for things, why I have scratch. There is no WiFi there so I won't be able to post until I am home. Today's photo is me with my great Partraige rock bantam

We are settled in now, the Mille Fleurs have made a point of scratching out there shavings, I have lost my book with parts of a chicken and am left with going online to find a picture. I have gotten grand for cake and will be bringing another cake to state along with a reserve for cats. Thankfully we don't have to show our cats because mine had a trip to the vet's office Wednesday. Today's photo is me with my Millies and their eggs

Today is show day!!! I left home at about 7:45 to go to the fair and spend the day there, Pumpkin drank over night so I knew it must be a great day. I hoped I knew the parts of a chicken, because my only studying was yesterday. I had known the judge from stock show and had gotten some last minute info, also an older girl asked for help with showmanship and I helped her get 5th place. Then came my turn to go to the judge. I knew most of the questions except for were Belgium is I said Asia, the correct answer was Europe. I had never placed in the past so I hoped just to place, and at the youngest of my age group Pumpkin and I got Grand Champ. Also I had been a bit joking and a bit true with my friend if he was going for back to back Grand Champ meat bird, and he got it!!! I spent the rest of the day at the fair including going on rides with my friend. I can't quite pick a photo to use but I have 2: my friend and I going on rides, and Pumpkin and I that evening with our prizes.

Today is an easy day for us, we come and feed our animals and have nothing to worry about. I got to congratulate my friend and see a best friend that I rarely see, I also got to go on rides. There is a bit of a relaxed feeling all morning in our area. I helped out with cookie decorating which was just an experiance so to say. I got to go see the auction and watch kids sell their market animals. I didn't stay for the chicken part though. Today's photo was some morning fun with Pumpkin.

Today was a day that I wasn't quite planning on being at, I had Round Robin Showmanship, basically what it was is showmanship with chicken, swine(pig), Rabbit, beef, horse, sheep, and goat, boy was that interesting. I left midday, and had a bit of fun, the best thing I would take up from that was the friend ship I build-up with the reserve poultry winner, we would talk in between animals about how the previous animal was. After that I headed up to Wyoming to be with my cousins. Todays photo is Peyton and I with the Sheep showmanship.

Afterwards, when I am actually working on this
County fair was a blast, and I am glad that you don't have to take cats in, because on sunday when I was in the car I figured out that my cat Bow had passed away on Friday. Our week in Wyoming was awesome, being with my cousins is the best!!! I had totally neglected to do this Friday night at 11 and Saturday when I was really tired. If it will load I will post a photo of me with my amazing cousins or a video of our amazing singing