English River Farm

My family and I live in a small town in Northern NY, just one mile from the Canadian Border. We live in the town we both grew up in, and we were both raised on dairy farms.
We live in a 100 year old farm house on 15 acres of land. We have a small barn that is currently holding 12 chickens and 8 head of cattle. Our cousin's 3 heifers, his two oxen, our two young oxen, and a beef steer calf make up the 8 head. Even though we both grew up on a farm, we only recently (fall 2009) built the barn and decided to jump into the agriculture world! My husband and I both work full time, he is a union carpenter, I am a daycare provider.
I have 2 Dominiques, one rooster-Russell or Rusty for short, and Bernice, the hen. I also have 10 Red Star laying hens. I have just sold my first two dozen eggs, and I am currently working on painting a sign for selling my eggs!
We have one son, who is 14 years old. He is in 9th grade, and is a member of our school's chapter of the FFA. He also takes several Agriculture classes at school. The school's FFA fair is in May, and he is very excited to take his young oxen, Humphrey and Hawkeye, to the fair this year!
We also have an Australian Cattle Dog named Brodie Blue. She is 3 years old, and is the most AWESOME dog ever!