Thanks for looking at my page. Due to being out of work for a while, we no longer sale hatching eggs. We sold all of our bantam Orpingtons and call ducks during that time.
We now have restocked with the following: standard Buff Orpingtons, standard Barred Rocks, standard Dominiques, White Call
Ducks and Blue & Black Swedish Ducks. As for 2010, we will not have anything for sale but, should have come Spring 2011.
We also have a limited number of Fainting Goats. We are trying to introduce more blue eyed Fainters into our herd and with any luck should have some soon.

For anyone interested: I am the Poultry Director for The Jefferson County Fair (here in east Tn.) We are A.P.A. and A.B.A.
sanctioned. Our 2nd show was July 31st with a White Silkie winning GRAND CHAMPION and a Pekin Duck winning Reserve Champion.
In 2011, we plan on having a Junior Show around the 3rd Saturday in July and an Open Show the 4th Saturday. Check our web-site for more details in the coming months and see our add in the Poultry Press in May 2011. We are located near exit 417 on Interstate 40 in East Tn. You can spend the weekend showing birds and going to the Smoky Mts.! What could be better? Our web-site is: jeffersoncountyfair.com