We started raising chickens the week of Easter 2012 and have never looked back! We were in our local farm supply store looking around when we heard some cute little chirping sounds coming from the center of the store. They had four metal water troughs set up and each held about 100 baby chicks. All of the babies were so adorable! We left the store with two boxes containing six red sex-links, four buff orpingtons and four assorted bantams. Our flock has grown considerably since that early spring day!

Since then we have bought chickens whenever we see any that catch our eyes from local people in varies close communities. We purchase most of our chickens from an Amish family we have known for a few years now.

We hope as time permits to update and upgrade this page. For now it is mostly images of some of our chickens. We have two flocks and these are just the chickens located on our farm.

Most of our chicken breeds come from Amish Communities in Kentucky!

This is Poe watching over his ladies. Poe is a black sizzle cockerel. We have Elinor sitting in the very front. She is a blue Cochin. That's Lenore to the far right. She's our silkie/Cochin who ended up being smooth feathered.

These three girls came from an Amish family. They were bought under the impression they were Australorps. Well, we have come to the conclusion only one actually is an Australorp. The other two are Jersey Giants.

Here is Lenore again looking as lovely as ever!

Elinore, striking a pose! She is such a friendly young lady.

This is one of our Rhode Island Reds. We have two. One cockerel and one pullet. Both came from an Amish home.

Our assorted flock. Three Plymouth Barred Rocks, two red sex-links and Hanna, our only Buff Orpington girl. Remember we bought four Orpington chicks and only one turned out to be a girl.LOL

They must be having a late afternoon meeting.

Our Rhode Island Red's.


And again!

They just love their organic seed treats made with honey.

I could go on forever talking about pretty little Nugget. She is so lovable. She will sit in my hands as I walk around the yard and make the cutest little bird sounds ever, It's almost as if she is trying to sing! She will often fall asleep in my hands in the late evening while sitting on the front porch.

Here is Leonore again. She is great at free ranging.

Elinore free ranging too. They act like sisters.

So pretty.

Poe is such a funny little fellow.

They are enjoying a nice quite evening before roost time.

Poe again watching over his flock.

This girls name is Jersey!

My lovely Hanna!

Hanna and Rosie out free ranging.

This girl is Posey.

Why does this picture always remind me of Halloween?

What can I say about Fred? Well for starters he is my Black Copper Marans cockerel. Here he is still a young dude about 6 weeks old. He already can crow loudly!

Fred and Wilma!

They will be out of this brooder soon! I know they will be looking forward to getting out and free ranging with the rest of the flock.

Aw here is Stew! He's an energetic young boy. That's his girlfriend, Sunshine looking up at him. They are a loving couple.

This was the 'Let's get acquainted' meeting!

They really love getting into my plant beds more than I like them there!

I just find the next few pictures so adorable!

Well, thanks for taking the time looking through my images. I hope I didn't bore you too much and you come back again. I do intend to update this page to include our Hen House and other flock as time permits. If you are ever in Kentucky and would like to stop by and see what chickens we might have for sale just let me know and arrangements can be made.

You can look through our breed list and inquire with us as we frequently have “extra” birds which are of nice quality because providing people with good stock is part of our goal.

We will be offering farm fresh eggs, fertile hatching eggs, and baby chicks from our various breeds of chickens. The list below will give you a general idea of what we might have to offer.

Our Breeds:
French Black Copper Marans~Cuckoo Marans~Welsummer~Barnvelder~Speckled Sussex~Australorp~Buff Orpington~Rhode Island Red~Barred Plymouth Rock~Delaware~Buckeye~New Hampshire~Red Star~Sizzle~Frizzle~Silkie~Cochin~Old English Game~Golden Campine