Mississippi River Illinois Woods Coop

Lovely!! Do you have inside photos pretty please?
So beautIful! Can you tell me how many chicks you have? Also is there any drafts towards the rear of the coop or are your dimensions working like the woods model. I am in a cold climate and trying to convince my hubby that this is the design for us. Thanks for posting!
Thank you for posting your specs. The modernized design is awesome. I was trying to convert Woods' specs to a smaller version and you did awesome and I will try to duplicate this. Thanks again!
Its a beautiful design, I'd love to have one like it. Thanks for the information.
Sorry about your feelings for Anonymous.
However, I have the same questions. I keep looking at the Woods design but don't have the building expertise to make adjustments to modernise for current sizes of building materials, etc., so as much information that you can provide is helpful. I love how you connected the run.
I agree with all the positive statements that you received, but I'm looking for ways to duplicate your excellent work. I keep putting off by building a coop because I don't know how to resolve these issues.
Lovely. It definitely compliments the house. I think if anyone were to follow suit, you have linked to the coop that inspired you. Plus, you have included the layout plans. I think it's enough to go off of if someone knows how to build. Photos of the inside would have polished this article off nicely. Do you have those posted somewhere?
Thanks for that very thorough description of your coop. I appreciate you shared where you got your plans from, your detailed layout and what kind of modifications you used. Clearly you've laid a nice path to where one could obtain details on building a similar coop and good pictures of your build.
Overall, I like the design as it is very pretty. But, what we are looking for to earn 5 stars is exactly telling us how and what you did to level the property, the cost, how you cut the boards, what type of nails ect you used.
I know you said you contracted the work out and you will finish it. Please include each step as you finish each part of the inside. Be as specific as possible. Example: Educate "me" on exactly how to finish my coop exactly as you did. Where to buy the pieces, how much are they, ect..
Otherwise, its a beautiful coop but, I can't give it 5 stars because it's missing exactly what we are looking for.
Wow, Backyard Chickens you allow anonymous reviews? I am fairly surprised at this! No, I am honestly shocked! I also run a Xenforo-based social forum and the use of anonymous reviews promotes poor member behavior and also fake reviews. Allowing anonymous reviews makes it super easy for bad actors to pad reviews and to trash other members. This actually was not a bad review and I had planned to add more content, so point taken. But Anonymous reviews???? I am going to thing twice about posting any other content here. Reviews are helpful, anonymous reviews never are. I strongly suggest you change this. Xenforo makes it very easy to do.
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