Zero cost fence.


I've collected up some pallets from construction work we had done, and also one of the contractors brought me a couple when he was in the area. The idea is to construct a framework to grow vines for shade. The weather has been either intense burning sun, or torrential downpour lately. My solution to having everything die off is to plan shade and rain sink gardens around the actual herb garden and coops.
They don't look good, but are totally free, self supporting and robust. We get really intense straight winds here and trees fall down, stuff flies around and fences fall over. This design of fence is braced in multiple directions. All you have to do is secure it to itself with nails or screws. I've got grapes to grow over one end and passionflower/maypops for the other.
It looks pretty crappy to start with, but serves it's purpose, will look better once plants take over AND it was FREE! 20220817_141239.jpg 20220817_141242.jpg 20220817_141244.jpg 20220817_141251.jpg 20220817_141256.jpg 20220817_141304.jpg 20220817_141309.jpg 20220817_141329.jpg 20220817_141337.jpg 20220817_141234.jpg
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