My DIY coop

Your plans are very exciting and the progress you have made on your coop looks really good for a nice home for your chickens. Nice chickens, too.
how about a little more detail how you changed it for chickens
building the roosting ladder
Cute little coop. The photos are obviously of construction so I'm sure more finishing is in the works, like getting the plastic covered insulation boarded up, and general clean up of course.

There's little things that could be improved on for functionality and safety. The rungs on the roost for example are too close together and the ladder too steeply sloped, so birds on lower roosts can get pooped on by ones roosting above. I do like that the roost is hinged though. The fact that the door swings inward is a little troublesome since it is set at floor level, as it'll push anything in the arc of it (like bedding and chickens) around. As I see that this coop is in a location with very cold winters, I understand the need for electricity and heat, but I'm wondering how safe that heat lamp is due to proximity to a wood ceiling, as the body of these units can get quite hot.
Thank you for your review! The plastic will be getting covered up right away yes. I will look into possibly lowering the heat lamp a little but I can't see it being that much of an issue. We have a cat house that has a heat lamp clamped to the roof almost the same way that is on 24/7 in winter time the past 4 years and has not been an issue. I have also been thinking that the door might be an issue opening in as well and have thought about putting a barrier up to keep the bedding out of the way and hopefully the chickens will figure it out as well.
It's awesome looking but we crave the details. We need measurements and of course pictures of it completed. ;)

It will really help folks out if you can include more details.:D
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We are still working on it!! should be done this weekend (except the nesting boxes maybe) but I will get as much info as possible!!
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