This is the second coop I've built and what I consider my first 'real' coop. My first design was a little lacking in practicality from the chicken's perspective (ie, they like this one a lot better). I got the basic design from a coop idea book at my library and then made modifications along the way. It does have some heavy duty non-pneumatic wheels on the back to move it around. If I want to move it more than a few feet I'll need to recruit someone else. It turned out pretty heavy.

The front two doors open and typically stay open. I used electric netting (not visible in this picture but seen in others) to protect them and it works great. I was really pleased how the galvanized roof turned out also. I had to take some flashing material to fashion some end caps under the roofing material to make it water tight.. The paint scheme was my wife and daughter's idea. I'm so pleased with their choices.

The long door comes completely out to help with clean outs.

The front, which happens to face west, has the sunrise and the back has the stars and moon. I wanted a way to allow ventilation without a big open gable. These cut outs work nice.

I put one more roost just under the moon after I took this picture. It turns out to be the favorite spot to sleep.

I'm trying out this feeder system on the side and am working through some different watering systems too.

My kids were a big help but disappointed they had to stop playing inside with the cat. I personally don't mind if they keep playing inside but I don't think the cat is allowed anymore.