Norgaard Family Coop

Would have given a higher rating if the builder had shown exactly how they built it. That would’ve been really helpful information for someone else. Very nice end result.
This is a really nice looking coop and it seems to be well built. Be good to have some details of the build: dimensions, pics, plans etc. because folks may like to build this one themselves.
But would have liked to see more of the build and the inside of the coop. The other page didn't work. Maybe merging them both together into one article might help.
What a nice looking coop and run!
I could not get to the coop 2009 page that you referred to in order to see how it was made. If I could have gotten there and seen your plans, materials, and other details, I would have rated this higher.
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Can you update this article with photos of the inside of the coop and with the added hardwire cloth you melted adding to the bottom of the run please.
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