Welcome to Triple E Apiary and Chicken Farm's page.
I strive to keep healthy, happy, productive chickens.
I'm a high school student that takes chickens and honey bees as SAE's for FFA. I raise meat bird, laying hens, various bantams, and an occasional turkey. My family and I keep 5 hives of bees, but I assist my grandpa with 20 additional hives. I participate in multiple after school activities, and believe that shape me into the person I will become.
My beliefs:
  • I work for proper management with all of my animals and believe that a happy animal produces more consistently and better than an animal that is kept in poor conditions.
  • I care more about having happy chickens than having pristine show birds.
  • I believe that quality is quality, no matter what line a bird is from and that small breeders may have some of the best birds.
  • I believe in helping newbies and walking them through the processes of proper care as we have all been in their position at some point in time.
  • I believe that youth are the ones that we must educate and teach so that they may carry on the "torch" of raising high quality, healthy poultry.
Please visit my other pages for information on my flock, etc.