Why Chickens?

Hello everyone, my name is Jimmy. We decided to start raising chickens for a number of reasons. First and foremost we live and work at the Baldwin County Sheriffs Boys Ranch, a Ranch that cares for abused, neglected and abandoned children from Baldwin and surrounding counties. Living at the Ranch we have horses, cattle, and now chicken. We raise our livestock to help offset food cost and teach the young men in our care work ethic and responsibilty. Recently my wife and I have gotten into canning produce from our gardens and learning to live off the land. I think it's more of a curiosity than thinking the apocolyse is coming. Anyway my sister ordered some day old chickens in bulk and we decided to start a small flock and get the boys at the Ranch and our three children involved. So that's the story so far, we are excited and have learned a ton from the forums provided on this site. Thanks to you!!!
Our Coop
This was flat out a labor of love. We wanted to keep with the ranch theme but not build a huge structure that would render any one area useless. So I contacted a guy online ( I'm not going to give his name because I haven't asked him) and he gave us a very nice plan for a chicken coop that he designed. I got some of the older boys involved and used making the coop as a lesson in construction. Although, I am in no way, fashion or form a carpenter. In any instance we had a great time building the coop.

The Flock
Currently we have five chickens. Two Australorps, two Delaware, and one Dominique. They are all around 7 weeks old and have a ball in their new home.

