I am a Hobby Poultry Gal located in Mobile, Alabama. I raise beautiful Buff Orpingtons, and hope to expand my breed one day to include the other variations of Orpingtons and other favorite breeds.

My flock currently stands Roosterless, but I aim to find a quality Orpington gentleman in my area to begin my poultry program as requested by my two little mutt broodies Clementine and Babette.

My purebred Buffs stand as four lovely buxom widows, two of which have names and HUGE personalities. Meet Amelia, who loves to jump straight from the ground into my arms for attention, and holds running dialog with me, and Suzanna Precious, who is a very good layer and knows it.

RIP to their former guardian, Wyatt (Mr. Blue Jeans) a solid and gorgeous Easter Egger with an impeccable temperament, a docile nature towards his ladies and Mistress, and some spurs worth crowing about. He was very polite and gentle with the ladies and provided for them well. He died of Cocci recently and I miss him terribly.