Salli Henni Penni's Little Bit of Heaven
I am a Christian, a wife, a mother of three and grandmother to 7. My husband is semi-retired and we recently moved to our newly built home on 20 heavily wooded acres in Central Illinois. For many years we had wanted some acreage to live on, work on and play on and feel very blessed to finally be here!!

What better time to try my hand at raising chickens, right?! So, I went to the local feed store and brought home a few chicks. Here they are at 1 week old. Aren't they cute! I got a mix of Buff Orpington, Barred Rock, Black Australorp and Rhode Island Reds.

I had no idea they would grow so fast!! Here they are at 1 month. This picture is right before we moved them out to the coop.

And here's a week later. In the coop/run for the first time as two of my granddaughters look on!

My "girls" are about 9 weeks now and I've been amazed at how easily and quickly our whole family has gotten attached to them. I'm so glad we got them! Here they are at 9 weeks.

Sadly, since this last picture was taken, I lost one of the Buff Orpington's to a racoon. We trapped him the next night. Though we have many more racoons and other preditors to keep away from our girls, needless to say, that particular one won't be bothering these Chickies anymore!!
Here's my view of my girls area.......their coop/run (converted shed) from my side porch. As you can see, it's a heavily wooded area. I'd like to let the girls free range, but I'm not sure it would be safe. Maybe when they're a little older?

I have found BYC to be very helpful......lots of wonderful information!! So, I finally decided it was time to be a part of this Community.
Thanks for viewing my page.
God Bless!!
Salli Henni Penni