Okay everyone here are the details.
When July 31st is the last day to enter the Secret Swap. The final sate for this swap is August 31st. That means that everything must be swapped by then. Email me (Katelyn) at [email protected]. and I will enter you. Be sure to include what you have in mind to send and what you would like to recieve. If you dont care what you get, just say anything. However if you dont care, but there is something that you DONT want, please put that down. I dont want you to get fertile eggs if you cant hatch them.
Who This swap is for everyone that wants to enter. There is no age limit, but please be responsable about it if you are a minor.
What What is a Secret Swap you ask? Well I pair you up with someone to the best of my ability. You exchange emails decide what you are going to send that person based on what they like and their personality. Send it out by the deadline, and wahlaa, there you have it! Look below for ideas on what to swap.
Here are somethings that have been used in other swaps.Ideas:
Chicks (Bought from a hatchery and sent to partners address)
Knick Knacks
Gift Cards/Certifactes

Remeber to email me before July 31st to enter! And look for your partners emails July 31st!