Well this all began a year ago when my 4 kids and I hounded my husband until he said we could get chickens. I began looking at many coop designs on this site and I think I made a mixture of several. We began to build it in early February in our garage and then moved it to the driveway to finish. We are not great builders but did our best. My favorite part about our coop is that with the outside run and 50 extra foot of fence for another run we only have about $180 in the coop and most of that is the fence. I think it was $120. My husband got the 4X4's and 2X4's from work. They throw them away off of the rail cars. Lots of friends and family donated odds and ends of plywood and even the roof was donated. We bought some hardware and probably will modify some things at a later date after we have seen how things work. Overall dimensions of coop are 4X6 and run is 10X6( hopefully have another done soon :) We made it to move around our pasture so they will always have some fresh grass. It is much heavier than planned and we are looking for a better way to move it but it still works. Run detaches from coop to move separately so that helps. Crazy colors are inside from cheap mistint paint my kids liked and barn red color was left over from a playhouse from years ago that I got for 99 cents a gallon Sears paint. There are 4 nest boxes on the side and 2 6ft roosts inside. We have the nest boxes covered right now since they are not even close to laying. I didn't want them to get used to them for the wrong purpose.
Hope you enjoy. Thanks