This page is a work in progress - additions will be coming soon!
I'm a high school special education teacher living on 40 acres in the Sierra foothills of Central California with my family: a wonderful husband, 2 incredible teenage daughters, 7 horses, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 1 show steer, and a constantly varying number of chickens. About Me:
Pics coming soon!
I started out with 9 chickens of various breeds from the local hatchery (Belt). Over the past few years, I have lost some to predators, added others, etc. until I now have a couple of Blue and Black Orps, a breeding trio of nice Welsummer, a couple of EE's, a gorgeous black Ameraucana, a Delaware, 2 Buff Orps, 1 Hew Hampshire Red, 3 Rhode Island Reds, and a bunch of eggs in the bator due on 11/7.About My Chickens:

Pics coming soon!