I built this coop starting with grandchildren's outgrown sandy pit. Moved the box and leveled it here. I covered the 8'X8' treated-wood base with 1/4 hardware cloth and plywood. Used 2x4's make up the studs set 16" on center. The front stands a full stud high, while the back is 6 1/2 feet high so snow load would slide off roof.

The siding was painted wood, taken off a house we resided with vinyl about 20 years ago. Turned over and recut on the bottom edge, it gave me the clear cedar siding look I love. The coop insulation is covered with Vis-screen until I find something cheap and suitable for interior covering. The front door was one of 12 purchased many years ago for $3-5 each, while the 2'X4' window (facing south) is recycled from a wooden storm door. The window insert was turned sideways and attached with hasp hinges so it opens up and out to shelter against blowing rain. The window frame was covered with more 1/4 inch hardware cloth and the screen insert was attached on the inside of the coop.

The pop door is hinged on top to protect rain from entering the coop, but there is a slide door on the inside wall for added flock protection. Roof was mostly leftover OSB from another shed project, shingles were left from re-roofing, and the 12" overhang has vented metal soffit remnants from covering the house. For now the coop is electrified with a heavy extension cord from my garden shed, but plans are to run wires directly to the coop for overhead lights and a couple of outlets for fan and/or water heater. Two roost boards made of 2x4's run along the low wall while the nesting box -- divided into four 'rooms' -- sits under the window, well covered and protected from drafts. The chickens free-range so at this time there is no yard to contain them.

Shown on the north side of the coop is my rabbit hutch and Rusty's warm weather play yard. During the winter he resides in his cage hanging from the ceiling over the chicken roosts. Trained to use one corner, there is a collection receptacle for his waste. In warm weather, the food is kept in the garden shed, but in the winter I move the rabbit and chicken food into a garbage can set on an open metal box in the coop, so there is no decrease in floor space and feeding is easier for me.