Taylor and her egg

Hey i'm Sunni! I'm only a pre-teen and my family and I are raising baby hens for the first time!
I love the chickens so much, we also have two ducks!

I really like raising chickens, its very new to me.

Our chickens are two months old and their names AND personalitys AND breeds are....

1. Taylor - The laid back one - Silver Phoenix Bantam
2. Benedict - The show off - (Mottled) Anacona
3. Poachey - The tired one - Ameraucauna
4. Red - The sweetie - Rhode Island Red
5. Omlete - The tough one - Ameraucauna
6. Huavo - The BIG one - Ameraucauna
7. The Boss - The, well, Bossy one - Rhode Island red
8. Tiny - The small one - Rhode Island Red
9. Hero - The "Tiny But Mighty" One - Bantam Japanese
10. Meg - The one with the house slippers! - Bantam cochin
11. Flame - The Daredevil - Rhode Island Red
12. Dwayne The Rock Johnsan - The Cool one - Barred Rock
13. Samantha - The weird one - Unknown. Barely any feathers...has a golden head and Black body
14 - Robin - The (Edited) EVIL one - Unknown. Light Red


Rufus - The Funny one - Pekin Duck
Toni (Girl) - The Dramatic looking one - Mallard Duck
Whew... And Those are our Girls (Except Rufus, Hero, Benedict and maybe Omlete, We dont know if they are boys or girls :) )


Buffy - The adventurous- Buff Silkie!

Snow - The Docile one - White Silkie