Just getting started....
I have wanted chickens for a couple of years, but was not at a point in life where it was possible. Well, now I am. We received some eggs from a friend last night and they are in a "bator" this morning. They are "mutts", but 5 of the eggs are green. They don't know a whole lot about the breed, but I figure, they are free and a good way to learn. I am excited!! After arriving home last nigh DH and I candled all the eggs and could see good yolks in all but one. The #8 egg was pretty dark, so we are unsure of what is in there, I hope it wasn't a almost developed chick??? The eggs were layed yesterday and the day before we were told. The bator is at 100.5 currently. I have read 2 different temps 99.5 and 102, so I figure that is in the middle either way. Hope it goes well :)
Success!!!! We hatched 9 chicks!!