I trekked over the Wetumpka and traded in my rooster for a nice, young, blue Ameracauna. She's so sweet and cute! I just plopped her in the cat carrier in the back of my van and headed back to Auburn.

It was a great day! I got to visit a good friend in Shorter, who fed me a great breakfast. Afterward Chicken Little and I headed home to introduce her to the girls. Vanessa, the black Americauna, really enjoyed NOT being the youngest of the flock anymore and took every opportunity she had to let Chicken Little know by chasing her and pecking her! Poor Chicken Little escaped from the chicken run a few times that first day. But now, after about a week, the girls have settled into a routine and pecking order. I always place some food off to one side after feeding the older girls so that she can get some food without being disturbed.

Now to the good news! One or both of my buffies has started laying eggs! the first one was laid on Oct 2 and the second one today (Oct 4). Cool beans! Guess I'm doing OK in my chicken rearing.