Help me guess breeds for these crested chicks please.


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Southeast Alabama
I got some new little crested chicks and I'm trying to guess at their breeds. Ignore the orange dots on their heads. That was done by the hatchery to help sort out the cresteds from some other chicks that I ordered. They are all crested breeds, so that narrows it down a bit.

I got 4 of these guys that are almost identical. I assume they are white-crested black Polish. Do you guys agree? I am new at this, so could be wrong.

These 2 little guys are nearly identical.

I could not get a clear pictures of 2 little guys like this, so this one is a bit blurry. They are wild and fast! Here is the best I could do, but I can try again if this does not help.
first-white crested black polish
second-appenzeller spitzhauben
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I was looking at pictures of Houdan chicks and all the pics I could find had darker spots on them. Mine are solid yellow. Are there any that are solid? I tried and tried to get a clear picture of at least one of the two yellow chicks, but they were constantly moving. They are definitely the most active out of that little bunch.

I had never heard of a appenzeller spitzhauben, but looked it up and they are pretty. I saw a couple that looked similar to those 2 chicks and this just adds another possibility.

It will still be fun waiting to see what they are, but I thought some help with early guesses might be fun.
yeah, I forgot that polish could be bearded or not, so if you tell us which hatchery they came from it would help
They came from Cackle Hatchery. They don't have the appenzeller spitzhauben listed, so I'm pretty sure that's not the grayish chicks breed. Could they be Silver-Laced Polish? They look similar. I guess I won't know for sure til they start getting feathers.
They may have them and I just didn't look in the right place. After seeing the pictures of them, I hope they are! Pretty chickens!! I am new to this whole chicken thing, so any of you guys probably know better than I do. Mine do look like the pics I found online of appenzeller spitzhauben chicks.

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