EE chickens laying white to ivory colored eggs


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
San Diego County
My 3 EE girls who are 20 weeks old are laying little ivory colored eggs - aren't they supposed to be either green or blue or somewhere in between???

My last EE first egg was green.
When you have EE chickens they can lay white, brown or blue eggs. It is ameraucanas or araucanas that lay just blue or green eggs. People just say that EEs are ameraucanas or araucanas.
That is just a fancy way of saying Easter Egger... and they are still mutts of the chicken world! They do lay the prettiest of eggs on many occasions. Like it was said though, because they are a mix and not actually a 'pure' breed bird... they can mix in a cream or brown or white laying bird! Once that's what they lay though, that's all they'll lay. There is no guarentee with EEs you'll get the pretty eggs! (Usually they will lay what they are hatched from so I've read!)
Laurelm- it looks like you aregoing through alot of hay.
I have 4 EE pullets with one laying either light blue or light green eggs at this time. I have read of them laying green, blue and pink, and they say that whatever color they lay will be the collor they lay always.
EE are bred strictly for the colorful eggs and that is what most feed stores sell under the aracauna label. I think the only way to get true aracaunas or americaunas would be to order them specifically from a hatchery or breeder.
I have one that lays white eggs.
Yes - I do go through a lot of Hay everyday! But I love my animals large & small!

Well shoot I specifically got ameraucanas for the blue or green eggs but they're still beautiful birds.

I read too that they will lay the color egg that their mom's laid.

These came from Ideal hatchery at least that's usually where my feed store gets them.

Well I have several green eggs in the incubator and hopefully I'll be blessed with healthy chicks that lay blue or green eggs!
The Standard of Prefection for Poultry and both clubs (Ameraucana Breed Club and the Araucana Club of America) state that both Ameraucanas and Araucanas lay blue eggs only! Green, as well as any other color egg layers are considered EE---just as yellow legs or 'off' colors of each bird... Easter Eggers can be beautiful birds and can lay a wide range of eggs---from dark brown to pure white and everything in between...
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