Splash bleeding Red?

Goose and Fig

Grateful Geese
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Fall Creek Falls TN
I wanted to use this juvenile roo for a color project next year, but he's getting more and more red bleeding through in his wings and neck. How likely is he to pass this on to blue offspring?
If I breed his blue offspring back to eachother, will the resulting blacks have the red as well?

Hey Amy, I don't have any help on your question, but now I seen what you mean by the comb on your roo, he does look like a Cochin like you said, but whre did the pea comb come from?

Hope someone can give answer soon.
Hey Clint- I have no idea where he got that! I hope the red doesn't throw a wrench in things. It didn't show up until he started getting his adult feathers. Just starting to crow- sounds like somebody stepped on a duck.
Would it be visible in blue or black offspring? None of the siblings have the red, but none of them have his pea comb either

Also- is it more likely to show up in males than females?
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Would it be visible in blue or black offspring? None of the siblings have the red, but none of them have his pea comb either

Also- is it more likely to show up in males than females?

Yes, it will be visible in blue or black offspring. Theoretically it should show up equally in both genders (it is autosomal red, not sex-linked gold), but in my experience it shows up more in the males. In the girls it is more likely to show on their breasts, not their wings. I think there is something about testosterone having an impact on red pigment--maybe Tim or David or Henk will chime in.
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Less likely to show in female offspring, but it will still be carried. As with anything, you can eventually breed it out as long as one of the parents has the alternative genes. But it may take an awful lot of chicks hatched, waiting for them to mature and then selecting against them. And of course that means what will you do with all the chicks that don't make the grade?

If you really want to try, then get him black hens that come from completely black parents--as dark as you can obtain--who show no red leakage.
Ah pooey. I have to start with light columbian. I'll probably try it and see how the f1s mature. Luckily- we've got plenty of room to grow some out, and lots of locals willing to purchase those thst don't quite pass.

Thanks Sonoran!

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