Homemade cages, help please!


15 Years
Jan 7, 2009
Central Pennsyltucky
So, I'm going to make a final plan for caging so that I can get a cost estimate before I go to the sale. That way I can find acceptable cages for cheaper than what I can build them, I'll scarf them up. Anyways, I really want to have a wire type bottom for my button quail. They're in a small play pen, but they spazz out when I try to get in the cage. Right now, I've been using newspaper for the bottom, but it's hindering egg-laying, due to stress. So, anyways, I want a mesh bottom so that I don't have to dig them out to clean it. I saw the plastic mesh (.5"x.5") and wondered if I could use that. Would it be easy enough to spray the stuck-on poop off? Would that be better for their feet than the wire mesh, or would they possibly get their toenails stuck? Thanks in advance if anyone knows.
Hmmm. I would worry that a predator would be able to bust through that plastic mesh. Raccoons would sure give it a try!

We looked at it for our breeder pens and went with the wire.

Cant wait to see how yours come out!
PLASTIC MESH HAS NO TENSTILE STRENGTH. It will be a poor choice for flooring as it will sag and tear under weight and offers absolutely no predatory protection. Also i remember somewhere on here where buttons are not supposed to be on wire exclusively as it will damage their feet. I know they can have wire floor, but not exclusively wire floor--- they need someplace flat and firm to go and rest their lil toosies!
Honestly, I'm not worried about predators coming through the bottom. The bottom is so close to the ground, plus has metal bars. The metal on the bottom is enough to support their quail waterer and keep it level. Not to mention that if predators were to come after my birds, they'd simply come through the sides (made of a clothy meshy type material).
JJMR, would a "nesting" area be sufficient, or would they need more than that?
Are you looking for some pre made, or a plan to make your own. If you want to make your own...I just built some cages for $22 each. I recycled pallets and everything else was fairly cheap considering the end product. Here's a pic of 2 stacked, if you want instructions PM me.


These wound up being 5 square feet of space, and super easy to make. The bottom is 1/2x1 inch hardwire cloth.

Forgot that was before the doors were on...lol. Here is WITH the door!

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Button Quail do not do well on wire floors....
Their tiny feet aren't meant to deal with walking on wire.
They do best with a solid floor with Pine or preferable Aspen shavings on it.
Never cedar as that can cause respiratory problems.
My cages I've built have a slide out tray and a piece of cage material that covers the opening
when the tray is slid out. 2" sides on the tray keep most shavings inside.

Plain_View_Farm, do you have a picture of the design for the slide out tray you were talking about? I'm having trouble trying to picture how it works with the screen that covers the floor while the tray is out for cleaning. Thanks!
Honestly, I'm not worried about predators coming through the bottom. The bottom is so close to the ground, plus has metal bars

Rats love to come through the bottom and they love quail. They only need a little itty bit space to get in there. Just sayin'....
The "screen" which is actually 1" X 2" cage material doesn't cover the floor when you remove the tray. It covers the opening where the tray slides out to prevent escapees.
I'm not sure if this picture will show what I mean or not. If you look at the top left cage you will see the shiny Plexiglas I used to raise the sides of the tray.
This was taken over Christmas so they were decorated too. lol


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